Custom Playing Card | Coupon Playing Cards | Customized Playing Cards

Manufactured by the most Reliable and Customer-Centric Playing Card Manufacturer Globally.

Coupon Playing Cards

Coupon Playing Cards


Playing cards has been gaining popularity throughout the years. They have served as a useful tool to advertise on them.


TMCARDS Coupon Playing Card decks are high quality plastic coated, linen finish durable playing cards specially meant for the chamber of commerce. The card face (which is normally where the numbered and court cards are) is where you put your advertisement. Your business or organization can place a custom ad on the card they have chosen along with a batch of the cards to be able to sell. Each of our card back designs on our decks are designed with the community in mind.


Each deck of coupon playing card is enclosed in its own, full color, custom tuck box. Our team aims to create something that was not only unique, but that would help promote the local community and small businesses to be able to market their business on something that folks would keep longer than an ad in the newspaper or a radio spot.


TMCARDS Coupon Playing Cards are the community based promotional playing cards . This deck focuses promotions for hotels, shows, tours, events and for any type of entertainment that can be enjoyed poker rooms. The front face allows the card to be used as a playing card. One of said faces of each round playing card has a casino chip design. Every face of Coupon Playing cards display the coupon messages comprising of identification of the vendor; of the goods or service being offered at a discount; and an identification of an amount of the discount for the good or service. There is a value printed on a face of a card as part of the casino chip design which corresponds to the value of a discount being offered for the good or service printed in the coupon message.


TMCARDS DOT COM recommends its set of coupon playing cards in which each coupon is redeemable for valuable goods or services. Be a smart beholder of such cards and redeem the coupons for the value of the coupon itself in kind or as a discount on more valuable goods or services.